RSCIT ILearn Assessment-4 Introduction of Internet

1. Search results are usually presented in a row of results often called
a) Tag list
b) Search engine result page
c) Search engine page
d) Category
2. Which of the following search engines is especially for scientific information?
a) Google
b) Yahoo
c) Cyrus
d) Alta Vista
3. Which language is generally used to create World Wide Web pages?
a) URL
b) IRC
c) NIH
4. Email contains all the basic elements except the following.
a) Header
b) Footer
c) Message
d) Signature
5. Which of the following is called protocol in
a) .co
b) .in
c) www
6. If you need to send the same message to more than one person (for information),
a) So Re-mail each one individually
b) Use forward option in email
c) Use CC option in email
d) None of the above
7. There are symbols used in email addresses.
a) & and,
b) # and –
c) @ and –
d) #and,

8. Which software application runs automated tasks on the Internet?
a) Internet bot
b) Web browser
c) Session
d) Cookies
9. Due to which factor, coaxial cables are less sensitive to noise?
a) Inner conductor
b) Cable diameter
c) Outer conductor
d) insulating material
10. What are search engines?
a) A program that searches the engine
b) A hardware component
c) A machinery that searches data
d) A program that searches websites
11. Search engines that take input from users and also send queries to third party search engines for results are.
a) Advanced search engine
b) Meta search engine
c) Search dust
d) Boolean search engine
12. Which of the following is not a search engine?
a) Yahoo
b) Bing
c) Google
d) Windows
13. WWW means
a) Word wide web
b) Web-Wide Web
c) Widest Wide Web
d) World Wide Web
14. Junk email is called-
a) Spool
b) Spam
c) Spoof
d) Script
15. E-mail means-
a) Electronic Gel
b) Electronic message mail
c) Electronic mail
d) Electromechanical mail
16. What is Mozilla Firefox?
a) Icon
b) Browser
c) File manager
d) Internet
17. Which of the following was the first commercial web browser?
a) Mosaic
b) Mozilla
c) Netscape
d) Internet Explorer
18. URL means.
a) Uniform Reference Locator
b) Uniform Resource Locator
c) Universe Resource Locator
d) Unique Reference Label
19. The e-mails you receive appear as follows: 7
a) Inbox
b) Sent Mail
c) Messenger.
d) Contacts
20. Saving a file from internet to computer is called.
a) Downloading
b) Uploading
c) Storing
d) Web linking

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