RSCIT ILearn Assessment-8 Microsoft Word

1. To modify the basic properties of the document

a) Click on file tab->Info->Properties
b) Select advanced properties
c) Click on Custom tab. Now type the name box.
d) All of the above

2. How many times can you use Format Painter before you have to close it?
a) When you click on the Format Painter button
b) Double click on the Format Painter button.
c) Press the Ctrl key and click on the Format Painter button.
d) Press the Alt key and click on the Format Painter button.

3. Which ribbon in Microsoft Word 2019 contains commands related to inserting a table?
a) Home
b) Insert
c) Page layout
d) All of the above

4. Which extension is given to MS Word by default?
a) .EXT
b) .DOC/DOCx
c) .COM
d) All of the above

5. The picture given below shows?

a) Mini Toolbar
b) Print toolbar
c) Search toolbar
d) None of the above

6. The picture given below shows.

a) Clipboard Command Group
b) Windows Media Group
c) Document Group
d) None of the above

7. Which of the following is not a font style?
a) Bold
b) Italic
c) Regular
d) Super Script

8. To create a new document

a) Click on File tab, click on New. Inside Backstage View
b) Click on Blank Document from the available templates. to open a new file
c) You can also create a new document by pressing Ctrl + N key.
d) All of the above

9. A letter of general content in MS Word should be sent to 100 recipients. If adding individual recipient address to each letter we will use
a) Embedding
b) Mail merge
c) Letters code
d) Hyperlink

10. To apply styles

a) Home> styles group, select normal, no spacing
b) Home>Editing>styles group, select normal, no spacing
c) Insert>styles group, select normal, no spacing
d) Review>styles group, select normal, no spacing
11. What is the purpose of Find and Replace feature in MS Word 2019?
a) Spell checking
b) Formatting text
c) Searching specific words or phrases
d) Inserting hyperlink
12. To wrap text around an object
a) Select the object and go to Arrange group
b) Go to Picture Format or Format Position and go to Format with Text Wrapping as per requirement.
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above
13. To modify print settings
a) Click on File > Print
b) Settings (Print All Pages), click on the drop down.
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above
14. How can you change line spacing in Microsoft Word 2019?
a) By adjusting the page margins
b) Use of line spacing option in Home tab
c) by Change font size changing the font size
d) By applying paragraph style
15. Which of the following entities is not related to word processing?
a) Character
b) Words
c) Sales
d) Paragraph
16. What are gutter margins?
a) The margin which is on the left while printing
b) The margin The which is on the right while printing margin which is on the right side while printing
c) Margin which is clicking on the left side of the page while printing.
d) Margin which is clicking on the out side of the page while printing.
17. Which shortcut key is used to undo the last action in Word 2019?
a) Ctrl+Z
b) Ctrl+Y
c) Ctrl+X
d) Ctrl+C
18. Displays the Quick Access Toolbar

a) Commonly, frequently used commands
b) This is done by arranging the commands on different types.
c) These are present at the top of the ribbon and are directly
d) Groups of related commands on the displayed tab

19. Which view in MS Word 2019 allows you to see how the document will look when printed?
a) Normal
b) Print layout
c) Outline
d) Web layout
20. Watermark option found in MS Word 2019
a) Insert tab –> Illustration group
b) Insert tab –> Links group
c) Design tab –> Page Background tab
d) Page Layout tab –> Theme Group
21. To save a document for the first time
a) Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar or
b) The place where the file is placed in the left navigation section
c) Type a name for the document in the File name box.
d) All of the above

22. MS Word is an example of
a) Operating system
b) Word processing
c) Application software
d) Input device
23. SmartArt for adding graphic content
a) Select Insert ‘a SmartArt, select Layout type.
b) Select Home ‘a SmartArt, select the layout type.
c) Select Layout ‘a SmartArt, select the layout type.
d) Select Mailings’ a SmartArt, select a layout type.
24.The picture The picture below shows

a) Advance Property Window 
b) Other File Formats
c) Print Setting
d) Quick Access Toolbar 
25.The picture The picture below shows below shows

a) Home Tab Window
b) Layout Tab
c) Insert Tab
d) Mailing Tab Access Toolbar

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